# Mac Configurations

Follow this project configuration guide for your Mac setup. Once completed, return to the Quick Start Guide to finish integration.

# OSX Builds

In our OSX example we have used XCode 10.1. This is automatically setup when creating a template c++ Cocos project. The XCode project files are located in ""ProjectName/proj.ios_mac/

# Mac XCode Settings

Configure the following settings in your XCode Project for all targets:

  1. Include the following folders to the project: Frameplay/Engine, Frameplay/Native/Platforms/Mac, and Resources/Frameplay.
  2. Add the header search path: $(SRCROOT)/../Frameplay to General>Header Search Paths

Configure the following settings in your XCode Project for the desktop target:

  1. Add Frameplay/Native/Platforms/Mac/libFrameplayNative.dylib to Frameworks.
  2. Add libFrameplayNative.dylib to General>Embedded Binaries.
  3. Change the Destination of libFrameplayNative.dylib in Build Phases>Embedded Libraries to Executables.
  4. Add $(SRCROOT)/../Frameplay/Native/Platforms/Mac to Build Settings>Library Search Paths.
  5. Add @executable_path to Build Settings>Runpath Search Paths

# Build Mac

Start Debugging or Build the project in your editor. You can also build by running the following commands.

cd ./"ProjectName"
cocos compile -p mac -m debug

Successful builds will be located in "ProjectName"/bin/debug/mac/

# iOS Builds

# iOS XCode Settings

Configure the following settings in your XCode Project for all targets:

  1. Include the following folders to the project: Frameplay/Engine, Frameplay/Native/Platforms/iOS, and Resources/Frameplay. Do not check the Copy items if needed checkbox
  2. Add $(SRCROOT)/../Frameplay to Build Settings>Header Search Paths.

Configure the following settings in your XCode Project for the mobile target:

  1. In General>Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, find FrameplayNative.framework and set it to Embed & Sign.
  2. Add $(SRCROOT)/../Frameplay/Native/Platforms/iOS to Build Settings>Framework Search Paths.

# CMake Settings

Add the below block to CMakeLists.txt:

  file(GLOB frameplay_mm
  file(GLOB frameplay_engine_cpp
  list(APPEND GAME_SOURCE frameplay_mm frameplay_engine_cpp)

# Apple App Tracking Transparency (ATT)

To display an appropriate message when the app launches for the first time, as below:


Configure the following settings in your XCode Project

  1. Make sure the project is targeting iOS 12+.

  2. Add AdSupport.framework to General>Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

  3. Add a string entry for Privacy - Tracking Usage Description to com.frameplay.cocos/proj.ios_mac/ios/Info.plist via XCode. This description will be shown in the Privacy popup when RequestAppTrackingTransparency() is called for the first time. You can find more information here (opens new window).

  4. Call the RequestAppTrackingTransparency() function to display the privacy popup at a time of your choosing.

#include "Engine/FrameplayATTManager.h"
// This will call the pop up and will set the App Tracking Status.

An example of the ATT implementation can be found in the Frameplay SDK example scene in Frameplay/FrameplayExampleScene.h.

More information on authorization status here. (opens new window)

# Build iOS

Deploy to an iOS device using your editor. You can also build by running the following commands:

cd ./com.company.cocos
cocos compile -p ios -m debug

Successful builds will be located in "Project"/bin/debug/ios/...

Last Updated: 1/25/2023, 5:14:41 AM