# Session

To authenticate your game and track player metrics at runtime, Frameplay requires an active Session. A session establishes a runtime connection to Frameplay servers.

# Starting a Session

Start a Session by calling Frameplay.Session.Start(). This needs to be called once when the game is launched.

We have provided an example script FrameplaySDK/Example/Scripts/FrameplayStartSession.cs that will initialize the SDK and register the in-game camera.

# Parameters

  • Camera: A Unity Camera (opens new window) that will be registered and used for tracking Ad Space viewability. If no camera parameter is provided, Camera.main will be used by default.

  • Player Data: A struct containing the current players Age and Gender. If available, these can be sourced from a custom login or client API. This enables Frameplay to serve more relevant advertisements to the player.

# Stopping a Session (Optional)

Call Frameplay.Session.Stop() to stop the Frameplay Session. This will trigger the SDK to clean up associated resources. Sessions will automatically end on game exit.

# Register Camera

If the active in-game camera changes during gameplay, call Frameplay.Session.SetCamera() to change the registered camera.

Last Updated: 9/20/2023, 4:28:22 PM