# Packaging Unreal Projects

This page contains details when creating different build configurations.

# Development Builds

Sessions started in-editor and in development builds will automatically run in Test Mode. This means that only mock advertisements will be displayed.

See the Developer Settings Test Mode documentation for more information.

# Shipping Builds

Before monetizing your final build, you must first submit your account and game for approval on the Frameplay Platform:

Please allow 48 hours for approval. Advertisements will not load in Production builds until both your account and game is approved.

# Package a Shipping build

  1. Select File > Package Project > Build Configuration.
  2. Confirm Shipping mode is selected.

At this time our integration team will contact you and notify once approved.

To monetize your final build you must use the shipping configuration.

  1. Navigate to Project Settings: Edit > Project Settings.
  2. Confirm the latest Project version in Project Settings: Project > Description > Project Version.
  3. Navigate to Build Configuration: File > Package Project > Build Configuration.
  4. Confirm Shipping mode is selected.


Last Updated: 7/15/2024, 11:21:52 PM